The present page contains all information regarding the handling of the users’ personal data operated by this web site. This information is in accordance with art. 7 of the Decree-law no. 196 of the Italian Republic dated 30/6/2003 “Code relating to the protection of personal data”. The following information applies to the web site of EEI S.P.A. only and not to other web sites visited by the users through the links contained in it (e.g. the web sites of the commercial partners or the web site selling the tickets online).
Following the consultation of this web site, the data relating both to identifiable and unidentifiable users can be handled by the web site Owner.
The web site Owner is EEI S.P.A., located in VICENZA – Via dell’Industria, 37 – ITALY; the users can apply to this address to exercise their rights on their personal data, i.e. verify their existence, their contents, their origin and correctness, request the integration, the updating, the correction, the cancellation, the expression in the anonymous form, the block of data treated in violation of the law, and oppose their treatment in any case (the full text of the users’ rights is displayed at the bottom of this page).
All treatments connected with the services offered by this web site take place at the office of the following companies.
– the above-mentioned seat of EEI S.P.A.
– the server farm hosting the web site
The data handling is carried out only by technical personnel appointed for data treatment, or by any occasional maintenance staff.
No data deriving from the web site use will be make known or spread, with the following exceptions:
-Personal data supplied by those users who request any material (information, e-shop), used exclusively to carry out the service or the order: they are given to third parties only if it is necessary (e.g. for courier services).
The data of those who accept to be sent commercial information can be handled by third parties appointed by EEI S.P.A. to carry out market researches or direct marketing operations always and in any case connected with the activity of EEI S.P.A..
All personal data are treated with automatic tools for the time necessary to achieve the purpose for which they were gathered. Specific security measures are performed to prevent any data loss, any illicit or incorrect use of them and any unauthorized access.
Types of data treated

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of e-mails to the addresses contained in this web site implies the acquisition of the sender’s address which is necessary to reply to the request, it also implies the acquisition of any other personal data contained in the body message. A part for what specified below under the surfing data section, users are free to give their personal data as requested by the forms. Their absence can make it impossible to obtain what requested.
The purposes of each treatment are listed on every single request form. Following some examples:
-For the request of information (products, services, meetings, groups, hotel.) the purpose is to provide the information requested. In such case the request for information is considered an implicit consent to data treatment;
– For booking the purpose is to acquire the booking

The information systems and software procedures regulating the functioning of this web site acquire, during their normal operations, personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of the Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected to be associated to specific individuals, yet due to its nature and through its processing and association with data detained by third parties, it could make it possible to identify the users.
This data category includes IP addresses or names for computer domains used by those users who connect to the web site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested resources, the time of request, the method used to submit the request to the server and other details relating to the communication protocol, the operational system and the information environment of the users.
These data are used only for gathering anonymous statistical information on the use of the web site and to control its correct functioning. Data could be used for ascertaining responsibility in the case of hypothetical information system crimes against the web site.